Best Places to Buy Vinyl in Dublin
For me there's a certain j'est ne se quois about vinyl records. I don't own as many as I'd like to but I'm working on it. I'm not a DJ looking to spin and scratch. I have an antique record player that sits proudly in my sitting room that I should use more and will use more when my vinyl collection gains some stature but for now I'm on the hunt for vinyl to help it do so. You can find some decent vinyl at a number of vintage shops and markets across the city, however there are only a handful of shops that have completely dedicated themselves (or parts of themselves) to this never dying love.
So where do you find vinyl records in Dublin City?
The Record Spot
Open: Monday to Sunday
The Record Spot are, as they put it themselves, the 'funnest record shop in Dublin'. Housed in The R.A.G.E., this is a real gem of a place especially after its makeover downstairs. Managed by drummer and vinyl spinner, Dennis Cassidy, The Record Spot specialises in vinyl and so much so it has its very own listening booth. Staff are happy to help source that special record you've been seeking and are known to perform on street for special occasions. They also hold really great sales. This place is worth your visit.
The Record Spot, The R.A.G.E, Fade Street Dublin 2
Spindizzy Records
Open: Monday to Sunday
Located in the George's Street Arcade, Spindizzy sells concert tickets, CDs (new and secondhand) and most importantly for the purposes of this article, new and vintage vinyl. Their vinyl collection is quite eclectic, ranging from punk and metal to country and dance. An added bonus for some Spindizzy customers is their sell or exchange service where you can sell your unwanted vinyl or exchange it if you spot something that tickles your eardrums.
Spindizzy Records, 32 Market Arcade, South Great Georges St, Dublin 2
Freebird Records
Open: Monday to Sunday
Reading Freebird Records’ Twitter profile - 'Defying the odds since 1978' - made me feel 1. young because this record store has been around longer than I've been and 2. old because I was born in the same decade. Realisation aside, Freebird Records, which was set up by Brian Foley and Des Kiely, is still going strong after many a year and a move. They can now be found nestled in nicely at the back of The Secret Book and Record Store on Wicklow Street. Along with CDs you'll find new and secondhand vinyl in a variety of genres in excellent condition at competitive prices. They also stock new or small labels, support up and coming Irish acts and can help source what you're looking for.
Freebird Records, The Secret Book and Record Store, 15a Wicklow Street, Dublin 2
Sound Cellar
Open: Monday to Saturday
It's dark, in a basement and everything you would want a rock driven music shop to look like. Sound Cellar considers themselves/himself (and rightly so) 'The Original Rock Basement' of Dublin. It's owned by Tommy Tighe who is as much a legend himself as the vinyl he sells. They specialise in heavy metal, blues, country and rock so don't expect to find the newest release from the newest pop fad. Alongside concert tickets, CDs, t-shirts and DVDs you'll find their vinyl selection, where if you can't find what you're looking for, Sound Cellar will find it for you.
Sound Cellar, 47 Nassau Street, Dublin 2
All City
Open: Monday to Sunday
All City was established in 2001 and moved around Temple Bar before finally finding its real home at no. 4 Crow Street. The shop itself specialises in 'Graff' supplies (that's graffiti, folks). They have their own label but they also offer a very healthy selection of vinyl specifically for those into hip-hop and the like and for those who know how to use a turntable. For the rest of us amateurs you'll be happy to know that they stock everything from soul to jazz and drum & bass to house music.
All City, 4 Crow Street, Dublin 2
Tower Records
If you don't know Tower Records, there is something the matter with you. Simples.
Tower Records, 7 Dawson St, Dublin 2
InDub Reggae Store
The oldest reggae shop in Ireland and specialising in everything reggae, from clothing to DVDs, but most importantly vinyl, this is a one stop shop for everything that’s 'Riddim Driven'.
InDub Reggae Store, Crow Street Bazaar, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Wingnut Records
One of the newest kids on the vinyl block but with four other locations nationwide, Wingnut Records specialise in an eclectic selection of music from independent punk to electronica.
Wingnut Records, Music Maker, 29 Exchequer Street, Dublin 2
One to Watch: Whelan's Vinyl Shop, Wexford Street, Dublin
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