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North Pole Experience: Meet and Photograph with Santa, with Gift and Playzone Session for One or Two (Up to 31% off)


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See fun characters and take part in some seasonal shenanigans, including grotto visit, stories and singing; parents go free

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About This Deal

The Deal

  • One or two child tickets to see Santa, complete with goodies to take away and a 25-minute play session
  • When: Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 26 November to 23 December
  • Where: The Royal Liver Retail Park, Walkinstown
  • Door time: 3pm - 7pm

Ticketing options

  • €14 for one ticket (up to 30% off)
  • €27.50 for two tickets (up to 31% off)

Fine Print

Valid 26 Nov - 23 Dec 2016. Limit 2 per person, may buy 2 additional as gifts. Valid Wed-Fri only. Mandatory booking required. Check availability here and book here. No cancellation/ rescheduling policy available. Present printed Groupon on arrival. Suitable for ages 2-13. Under 18's must be accompanied by an adult. Step free access available. Valid only for option purchased. Verified using our merchant's website on 21 Oct 2016.

About North Pole Experience

The North Pole Experience gives little ones a chance to take part in some Christmas magic. Guided by popular children's characters, visitors will be able to visit the Elves' workshop, where good boys' and girls' toys are made, before heading on to making a wish at the Magical Christmas Tree. Mrs Claus will be around for a little chat, while Rolo the dancing polar bear will be on-hand for a bit of a dance and singalong before visitors can take a peek at a nativity scene. The run-up to the grotto includes a chance to see Rudolf, resting up ahead of Christmas Eve, and have a go on the slide and bouncy castle in Santa's garden. Letters to Santa can be posted before visiting him in his magical grotto to let him know what you'd like for Christmas and have a picture taken with him. Those aged two to 13 years old can then head in to the Bounceland Playzone for a 25-minute session, with the experience lasting around an hour in total. Disabled access is available and the North Pole Cafe will be on-hand with a heated seating area and refreshments to purchase.

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