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Our Pride Lasts all Year

21 Jun 2022

Pride celebrations are happening all over the country now, but we here at Groupon know that when it comes to being fearlessly, unabashedly true to yourself—that’s a year round thing. This year, we’re celebrating the pride of our LGBTQIA+ friends and family—from our LGBTQIA+ merchant partners whose businesses uplift their communities, to our proud customers who dare to be their authentic selves every day. We also acknowledge the challenges the community continues to experience both in Ireland and in other parts of the world.


As a proud ally, we see you, and we celebrate you.


Did You Know?


  • 50% of LGBT students in Ireland have personally experience anti-LGBTQ+ bullying
  • 75% have been verbally abused due to being LGBTI (30% of these in the past year)
  • 1 in 3 have been threatened with physical violence due to being LGBTI
  • Only 1 in 3 LGBTI people in Ireland felt safe showing affection to, or holding hands with a partner in public 


Source: The LGBTIreland Report


How To Be An Ally

Donate to Support LGBTQIA+ Refugees from Ukraine

Outright Action International has been fighting for the global human rights of LGBTQIA+ people since 1990. With many from the LGBTQ+ community trying to flee from Kyiv and other major cities, the LGBTQ+ rights charity OutRight Action International has launched a vital fundraising campaign to fund groups in Ukraine to provide shelter & support to aid those displaced. 100% of donations to OutRight’s Ukraine Fund are being disbursed directly to local LGBTIQ partners supporting our community in Ukraine and neighboring countries. Contributions are providing emergency assistance to LGBTIQ people who need safe shelter, food, competent medical care, transportation for those who are fleeing, and other types of humanitarian support.


Educate Yourself

If you have questions about the LGBTQIA+ community, sexual orientation, or gender identity, educate yourself. Ask questions, do research, and don’t be afraid to admit that you don’t know something. Start by researching local organisations to learn more. 


Support the Community

Show your support for your LGBTQIA+ friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors by joining a rally, signing a petition, shopping at their businesses, or even just checking in with them.


Call Out Discrimination

If you witness discrimnation against an LGBTQIA+ person, and it’s safe to do so, call it out. Support those being targeted and let them know you’re an ally.


Use the Power of Your Pursestrings

Let the managers and owners of restaurants, bars, nightclubs, and other businesses know if you’ve witnessed anti-LGBTQIA+ incidents from staff or fellow customers. Ask them to address the situation and be clear that they could lose your business (and money) if they fail to take action.

Pride+ Allies

For nine years and counting, Groupon has been on the Human Rights Campaign’s Best Places to Work for LGBT Equity List. Pride+ Allies is an employee resource group dedicated to igniting fierce passion among Groupon employees for LGBTQIA+ causes, opportunities, and their intersections across other communities.


Pradeep Mahadeshwar

“As Brene Brown said, ‘Embracing our vulnerabilities is precarious, but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love, belonging, and joy.’ Groupon work culture allows me to own my story and bring my ‘Authentic Self’ to work. I believe that Pride is a protest, and marginalized communities must be centre-stage.”

Pradeep Mahadeshwar, Pride+ Allies Co-Chair & Sr. Art Director


Dominic Vernasco

“I can come to work without reservations about how I will be treated because of my sexual identity. A huge key to what makes Groupon a great place to work is our culture, and Pride+ Allies is a part of that.”

Dominic Vernasco, Merchandising Specialist


Nora Allen

“As an openly queer woman, it’s vital that my working environment be diverse, equitable and inclusive. Groupon doesn’t just say they support my community—they show up.”

Nora Allen, Pride+ Allies Co-Chair & Sr. Copywriter


Illustrations by Pradeep Mahadeshwar